Sunday, April 15, 2007

Different People, Different Views

Strange isn't it how you think you know someone and then something happens, either an event, a disagreement or even a serious conversation about important issues and you suddenly wonder who the other person is... what their real beliefs and values are... what their guiding principles are and how different or similar to yours they are...

The way a person thinks, deals with problems or treats other people depends on how they have been brought up. Family and friends play an important role in nurturing an individual. Many a time our views about certain topics are solely based upon the experiences of our family and friends. And while many of us have similar thoughts about certain issues our views might greatly diverge on other to assume that just because a person agrees or thinks in a similar fashion about some things that they would agree with you on all other things would be a gross injustice to them and to you...

So when it comes to settling down with someone it's important to figure out those issues which are important to both of you and ensure that your value system is the same atleast on those... otherwise it just leads to un-necessary complications and marriage is tough without having that to deal with too..

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