Sunday, March 09, 2008

Music & Dance

To me music provides a path or a means to connect with others and to better understand myself. Music helps me unwind and find a sense of peace when I'm troubled, it cheers me up when I'm sad,comforts me when I feel lost and last but not least celebrates with me when I'm happy. To me music expresses that which cannot be put into words but at the same time cannot be held inside.

I listen to a wide variety of music from country music to trance. I enjoy listening to music which has good lyrics but I also like music in foreign languages, which I don't understand but where the beat and the musical instruments are so beautiful that I'm able to enjoy the music, as much as I would, if I could understand the words !

For me music and dance go hand in hand. I love to dance and completely let myself go when I go dancing and then for a short time I'm transported to an imaginary world where everything is different. Dancing helps me let go of my inhibitions and makes me feel at one with the universe atleast for a short period of time.

I know for sure that without music and dance I would die! To me stopping the flow of music would be like stopping life itself, totally and utterly insane and inconceivable ! For music and rhythm are always able to find the secret path to ones soul !

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